
7. Running gear

Forward suspension bracket
 Features of a design
 Possible malfunctions of a forward suspension bracket, their reason and ways of elimination
 Removal and installation of a damping rack of a forward suspension bracket
 Repair of a damping rack of a forward suspension bracket
 Replacement of the top support of a damping rack
 Replacement of a spherical support
 Removal and installation of a cross-piece of a forward suspension bracket
 Replacement of the lever of a forward suspension bracket
 Replacement of details of the stabilizer of cross stability of a forward suspension bracket
 Removal and installation of a rotary fist
 Replacement of the bearing of a forward nave
Back suspension bracket
 Features of a design
 Possible malfunctions of a back suspension bracket, their reason and ways of elimination
 Removal and installation of a damping rack of a back suspension bracket
 Repair of a damping rack of a back suspension bracket
 Replacement of the bearing of a back nave
 Replacement of a beam of a back suspension bracket