
6.2.12. Removal, installation and repair of the coulisse of a control lever transmission

Repair of the coulisse of a control lever the transmission consists in replacement of a control lever at emergence of the vibrations and the increased side play of the lever caused by wear of its spherical support. For replacement of the lever the coulisse needs to be removed from the car.
It will be required to you: the tools necessary for removal of system of production of the fulfilled gases and thermoscreens, a key and a face head "on 13", a key hexagon "on 4", the screw-driver with a flat edge.
1. Take out a cover frame from an opening in facing of a tunnel of a floor, overcoming resistance of its clamps...
2.... lift a cover on the lever...
3.... turn it inside out and, having parted cuts of the holder of a cover...
4.... disconnect the holder.
5. Screw together the handle from the lever...
6.... also remove the cover plug...
7.... cover...
8.... and holder.
9. Hook the screw-driver two clamps of facing of a tunnel of a floor...
10.... also remove them.
11. From below the car remove the additional muffler (see. "Replacement of the additional muffler")...
12.... and converter of the fulfilled gases (see. "Replacement of converter of the fulfilled gases").
13. Remove the forward thermoscreen (see. "Removal and installation of thermoscreens").
14. Disconnect draft of control of the transmission from the coulisse of levers on a body (see. "Repair of hinges of the drive of gear shifting").
15. Turn out four bolts of fastening of the coulisse to the body basis...
16.... and, having lowered the coulisse through an aperture in the body basis down, remove it from the car.
17. For replacement of a control lever with the transmission turn out a coupling bolt of a cracker of draft...
18.... also remove a cracker from the lever.
19. Turn off two nuts of the holder of the hinge of the lever...
20.... having raised the lever, remove a thrust bearing...
21.... also take the lever together with a support and the holder from a coulisse case opening.
22. Install the lever to the coulisse and the coulisse on the car, and also all removed details as it should be, the return to removal.