горящие туры турбюро

1.4.1. Dashboard

Fig. 1.6. Dashboard and governing bodies

On the dashboard the following governing bodies and instrumentations are located (see fig. 1.6).
1 – side top nozzles of system of ventilation and heating of salon. Are intended for the direction of a stream of air from a heater, the conditioner or system of ventilation on glasses of forward doors for prevention of their fogging. The direction of a stream of air from these snuffled it is not regulated.
2 – side nozzles of system of ventilation and heating of salon. Are intended for the direction of a stream of air from a heater, the conditioner or system of ventilation.
The direction of a stream of air is changed turn of the handle installed in the center of a nozzle (to the left-to the right) or the lattice (up-down).
At the left (at the right side nozzle — on the right) the handle for adjustment of amount of the air given through a nozzle is installed. At turn of the handle against the stop up the gate completely opens (the maximum stream of air). At turn of the handle against the stop down the gate is completely closed, blocking an air stream. Installing the handle in intermediate positions, regulate air stream size.
3 – lever of the switch of indexes of turn and light of headlights. The switch includes electric chains of headlights and indexes of turn at the included ignition and can hold the following positions:
I \indexes of turn are switched off, dimensional lighting is included if the switch 24 of external lighting is installed in situation, and passing beam of headlights is turned on if the switch 24 is transferred to situation;
II \indexes of the left turn (unstable situation) are included;
III \indexes of the left turn (the fixed situation) are included;
IV \indexes of the right turn (unstable situation) are included;
V \indexes of the right turn (the fixed situation) are included;
VI \the movement of the lever on itself turned on driving beam of headlights irrespective of position of the switch 24 of external lighting (unstable situation);
VII \the movement of the lever from itself turned on driving beam of headlights if the switch 24 of external lighting is installed in situation (the fixed situation).
4 – switches of a sound signal. To include a sound signal, press any of switches.
5 – a combination of devices (see. "Combination of devices").
6 – lever of the switch of a cleaner and washer of a windshield. The switch includes electric chains at the included ignition. The lever of the switch can be transferred to the following provisions:
I \the cleaner and a washer of glass are switched off;
II \cleaning of a windshield of splashes (unstable situation). At transfer of the lever to this situation the screen wiper carries out one running cycle;
III \the faltering operating mode of screenwash is included;
IV \small speed of screenwash is included;
V \high speed of screenwash is included.
When moving the lever of itself the windshield washer (unstable situation) joins, also the screen wiper at the same time joins. At an otpuskaniye of the lever of a brush of a screen wiper will execute some more cycles.
The switch in the top part of the lever regulates an interval of operation of brushes of a screen wiper in a faltering operating mode: extreme left situation — the minimum interval, extreme right — maximum.
7 – central nozzles of system of ventilation and heating of salon. Are intended for the direction of a stream of air from a heater, the conditioner or system of ventilation. The direction of a stream of air is changed turn of the handle installed in the center of a nozzle (to the left-to the right)...
... or lattice (up-down).
Between nozzles the handle for adjustment of amount of the given air is installed. At turn of the handle against the stop up the gate completely opens (the maximum stream of air). At turn of the handle against the stop down the gate is completely closed, blocking an air stream. Installing the handle in intermediate positions, regulate air stream size through the central nozzles.
8 – the radio tape recorder or the place for its installation (depending on a car complete set).
9 – coaster. It is intended for placement of cups and glasses. To use a coaster, press its cover...
... then it will move forward from the central console. To remove a coaster, press repeatedly a cover before operation of a clamp.
10 – frontal safety cushion of the forward passenger.
11 – ware box. Serves for storage of small things and opens when pressing the lock handle up.
12 – the block of switches contains the following:
1 – switch of heating of back glass. When pressing the switch button (the key in the switch of ignition has to be in situation "II") heating of back glass joins, at the same time in the button the control lamp lights up. By repeated pressing the button heating is switched off;

The heating element of back glass consumes big current. Therefore in order to avoid the excessive category of the rechargeable battery include an electrical heating at the working engine and only for time necessary for elimination of fogging of back glass.
Not to damage heater thread, do not use for cleaning of inside of back glass scrapers and other sharp objects, and also detergents with abrasive substances.

2 – switch of heating of the left front seat. When pressing the switch button (the key in the switch of ignition has to be in situation "II") heating of the left front seat joins, at the same time in the button the control lamp lights up. By repeated pressing the button heating is switched off;
3 – switch of the alarm system. When pressing the button of the switch all indexes of turn and control lamps corresponding to them established in a combination of devices light up the blinking light. By repeated pressing the button the alarm system is switched-off;

The alarm system works at any provision of a key in the switch (lock) of ignition.

4 – switch of heating of the right front seat;
5 – indicator of inclusion of security system.
13 – the control unit of system of heating (conditioning) and ventilation of salon, see. "Heating (conditioning) and ventilation of salon".
14 – a control lever the transmission (see. "Control lever transmission").
15 – lever of the parking brake. To slow down the car the parking brake, lift the lever against the stop up — in a combination of devices the control lamp will light up red light.
To rastormozit the car, pull the lever a little up, press the button in an end face of the handle of the lever and lower the lever against the stop down — the control lamp has to go out.
16 – an ashtray with the lighter. For use of an ashtray press its cover.
Under a cover the tray of 1 ashtray and the lighter 2 are established.
For cleaning of an ashtray take a tray from facing of a tunnel of a floor.
For use of the lighter press the button of its mobile part. After heating of a spiral during 10–20 with a mobile part automatically with click will return to a starting position.
After that take the lighter for use.

The lighter can be turned on repeatedly not earlier than through 20 pages.
Do not hold the lighter forcibly in the pressed situation.
Do not use a cartridge of the lighter for connection of powerful electric devices (the electrocoffee maker, etc.) – it can lead to damage of electric equipment of the car.
If the button of the lighter does not come back to a starting position through 30 from later inclusion, take the lighter from the boss not to allow burn-out of a spiral.

17 – accelerator pedal.
18 – the switch (lock) of ignition integrated with the anti-theft device is located on the right side of a steering column. The key in the lock can occupy one of three provisions:
– I (blocking) – ignition is switched off, at the taken-out key the anti-theft device is switched on. In this situation the sound signal and the radio tape recorder do not work.
For the guaranteed blocking of a shaft of steering turn a steering wheel to the right or to the left before click.
For switching off of the anti-theft device insert a key into the switch of ignition and, slightly turning a steering wheel to the right-to the left, turn a key in situation "II";

Do not switch off ignition and do not take out a key from the lock during the movement: steering will be blocked and the car will become uncontrollable.

– II (are included) – ignition is included, the key is not taken out, steering is unblocked. Ignition, devices and all electric chains are included;
– III (starter) – ignition and a starter are included, the key is not taken out, steering is unblocked. This provision of a key unstable, at an otpuskaniye a key under the influence of effort of a spring comes back to situation "II".
19 – brake pedal.
20 – the lever of blocking of provision of a steering column (see. "Adjustment of provision of a steering wheel").
21 – coupling pedal.
22 – the shelf for small objects.
23 – regulator of illumination of a combination of devices. At rotation of the handle of the regulator from one extreme situation in another illumination of devices smoothly changes. At turn of the handle against the stop up lighting brightness maximum, at turn down — minimum.
24 – switch of external lighting. By turn of the handle choose one of the following provisions:
– external lighting is switched off;
– dimensional lighting is included;

Fig. 1.7. Combination of devices

At inclusion of dimensional lighting in combinations of devices the control lamp 4 lights up (see fig. 1.7).

– the passing/driving light of headlights is turned on.

At inclusion of driving beam of headlights in combinations of devices the control lamp 8 lights up (see fig. 1.7).

For inclusion of a back fog lamp turn the switch handle in situation and extend it on one position.
For inclusion of fog lights turn the switch handle in situation and extend it on two positions.
25 – the cowl lock drive handle (see. "Cowl").