
6.2.9. Repair of differential

Wear or breakage of details of differential can be one of the reasons of the increased noise in the transmission.
The conducted gear wheel of the main transfer of the Chery Amulet car is fixed on a differential box by rivets, and the axis of satellites of differential is recorded from axial shift by shaped heads of two diametrically located rivets. Because rivets separately in spare parts do not deliver and their rasklepka requires the powerful press equipment, repair of differential in garage conditions consists only in replacement of its bearings. At wear or damage of gear wheels of differential address on service for its repair or replacement assembled.

When replacing differential assembled with the conducted gear wheel of the main transfer it is necessary to replace at the same time and the leading gear wheel (a secondary shaft) as these gear wheels select for noise and establish only in couple.

It will be required to you: a universal stripper, a mandrel for a press fitting of bearings, screw-drivers with a flat edge.
1. For replacement of the worn-out or damaged bearing press it from a differential box pin.

The bearing pressed in the shown way is not suitable for repeated installation as its separator is damaged. Therefore needlessly do not dismantle differential bearings.

2. Napressuyte differential bearings on pins of its box, putting effort to an internal ring.

At a bearing napressovka with application of effort to a separator it will be damaged.
When replacing bearings of differential surely replace their external rings established in cases of the transmission and coupling (see. "Dismantling and assembly of the transmission and troubleshooting of its details").

Replace the worn-out or damaged basic ring of a semi-axial gear wheel.